Monday, February 4, 2013

A Beginning....

This is my first attempt at a blog, but I thought it might be interesting.  We are living in a time of change, major change.  World changes happening on grand scale, as well as changes just within ourselves.  I, for one, do my best to embrace change, but sometimes it catches you off balance and knocks you down.  You might find yourself being dragged along, until you can get your feet under you, but once you've managed to stand up again, getting your bearings is the next challenge that awaits.

My current adventure with fitness began Jan. 8 of this year, when my partner and I joined Planet Fitness.  It's been a lot of fun for me so far, and I go every day at least once. :)  Of course, not every time there is a hard core workout, sometimes it's more just cardio, foam rollers, stretching, and Nei Kung.  I feel good though, I can tell that my body likes it's new routine, and my mind likes it more...I took one day off and didn't exercise, my brain said "Not Again!", and so, off to the gym I go.